I'll never laugh at this commercial again!
Last Thursday night, I got up to use the bathroom and fell, landing full force on my back on the footboard of the bed. I couldn't get up off the floor, couldn't breathe, couldn't yell, and even though I was in extreme pain, I chuckled as I thought, "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" '
After a time, I made it to the bottom of the stairs and yelled for my roommate, who helped me call a friend for a ride to the hospital. It took three nurses to get me out of the car.
The doctor suspected a lacerated spleen, but luckily after several MRI and Xrays, no permanent damage was found.
However, I've torn some muscles deep in my back and am in extreme pain. So my doll making is slow right now. As soon as I can move a little faster, I'll get back to the workshop.
Stay tuned . . .
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