Saturday, August 6, 2016

Changing Bratz Dolls Into Children

Changing Bratz Dolls Into Children
I've always been an avid recycler. I hate the idea of items going to the landfill when they can be restored. I also am a child of the 60's and we worked hard to get women out of 5 inch heels and thick make-up, so I have a particular pleasure in returning certain teen dolls to their innocence.

When I get a new doll, her clothes get stripped and washed. If they are worth saving, I try to alter them to make them more child-friendly. Next, I bathe each doll in hot soapy water and give each an alcohol bath to sanitize her. Each doll has her hair washed and restyled, and cut if it is needed.

Then the real fun begins. The sleazy make up is taken off and the face prepared to hold new paint. I add eyes, a little lip color, and voila! A brand new girl emerges, like a beautiful butterfly out of a cocoon. I never get tired of seeing the change!

Once the girl is dressed and her hair combed, it's photo-shoot time. Some girls are shy. Some aren't as photogenic. Some love the camera! Others just want to play, and not bother with business. But all are beautiful to me... my little freckle-faced beauties... reminders of my childhood, running barefoot through the fields, not concerned with eyeshadow or lipstick, but more interested in tree-forts and kittens.

Welcome back to childhood.
It wasn't gone, not really...
it just got lost for a while.

Save A Tree, Change a Doll!

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