And the big problem is that even though I am in absolute compliance with United States Trademark Law, Etsy's legal department will not even take a peek at the facts. All it takes to shut down someone's listings is a complaint that they are breaking trademark law and BOOM! No questions asked. No examinations of the facts. They clearly state they won't examine the facts. They simply remove your listings based on nothing more than someone's complaint that you are out of compliance. Then, after 3 complaints, they take down your entire shop.
Several talented doll repainters have been put out of business by this person, who many of us consider to be a bully. I have to wonder what she fears? Her dolls are only listed once a month and sell out within a few minutes, even though her prices are in the highest range. I don't see how most parents with a modest income can afford one of "those" dolls for their child. To me, her dolls seem to have become something collectors buy, not something for children to play with. And if you visit her Facebook page the day after she has a selling spree (she only sells dolls once a month), you can see many posts by people who are frustrated at not even getting to SEE the dolls, much less be able to afford them.
So why does she care if other people are selling more affordable dolls? It feels like she just doesn't want the competition. I just can't figure out why. Her dolls are unique, as are the dolls of every repainter. My dolls look NOTHING like her dolls. My prices are approximately 1/6 of her prices. Her dolls sell for $180 each and up. She's shutting down shops selling dolls for $25 and under.
I have asked her to please point out which of my listings are not in compliance with Trademark Law and so far, she has not done so. But all she has to do is hit a key on her keyboard and my listings disappear, as so many other people's listings and shops have.
I'm not the only one being targeted. There is a lot of scuttlebutt in the doll painting community about her bullying. She seems to be stealthily taking down one shop after another.
I'm asking the community is for ideas and for help - If you have a blog, please research the facts, and write a post, a positive post informing people there ARE other great, affordable options. And tell your friends. Social Media is a great tool - let's use it!
Do your own research. Compare those prices of $180 and upwards with the prices of repainted Bratz dolls done by other artists, which start as low as $25 or less.
Tell your readers and your friends that instead of doing a search on her famous name, to do a search on Bratz Repaints or Repainted Bratz Dolls and look at the many beautiful and affordable repainted dolls that are available.
And though I'd love it if you'd buy one of MY dolls (of course) please know there are a LOT of talented artists on Etsy painting dolls. They've just been forced to not use any of the three words in "that" trademarked name in their ads, and so people are not finding them. It's sort of like telling people who are searching for tissue not to search on "Kleenex," but to search on other descriptive words.
Let's get off the "fill in the famous name" bandwagon and start our OWN party!
Please share this post and get the word out.
And if you're from the USA, think about buying from LOCAL artists, instead of someone across the big wide ocean.
Thanks so much for your consideration!
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